Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Night in a Folding Chair

Well, today I am exhausted! I had never spent the night in a chair in a hospital room until last night and let me tell you; it is not for wimps. Let me back up and explain why I was at the hospital in the first place.
My sister gave birth to her second child Mason Andrew! He is one of the two cutest babies ever. The other baby, of course, being my nephew Rylan. My mom stayed with my sister at the hospital the first night and my sister's husband was going to stay the second night. However, since there had been a record number of babies born at the hospital this week she had to share a room with another woman the second night and he was not allowed to stay. My mother was exhausted from her first night, so I volunteered to stay the second night. (If only I had known what I was getting myself into!)
First of all, the people we were sharing a room with were very rude! They continued to talk loudly half of the night, turned lights off and on, and rattled papers. Once they even woke the baby up! I being very sleep deprived and aggravated gave them my meanest most glaring look and I think they took the hint because it wasn't long until one of them left and turned the lights out.
The rest of the night was the fault of whoever decided to put the most uncomfortable chairs ever made in these hospital rooms. The chair had been used so many times that the padding in the middle was pretty much non existent from the many butts that had occupied it. I have to say though there really isn't a good way to sleep in a tiny metal chair. I turned this way and that way and folded myself up in pretzels, but still didn't manage to find a spot that allowed me to sleep. Once I came close, but the second I started dozing I almost fell out of the chair and had to change positions.
Needless to say I didn't get an ounce of sleep last night and every bone in my body aches! I can barely keep my eyes open right now, so I think I'll finish up and go to SLEEP!

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